Tell Me the Truth. What’s the best MDM/UEM?

Finding the best MDM solution for your company means first understanding your needs. Choose the right mobile device management technology with these tips.

Updated: Mar 23

We are often asked: which MDM is the best MDM? We at LINQ can help you evaluate this question, but first it’s important to understand that mobile device management is not “one-size-fits-all” software. Therefore, it is important to break down the features of an MDM solution, one-by-one, and compare them to the requirements within your organization.

First, some terminology: Mobile Device Management, also sometimes referred to as Unified Endpoint Management (UEM), is the term used for the MDM tool, software, or technology to help manage your organization’s devices. MDM technology is software that is installed on your company’s mobile devices.

LINQ provides managed mobility services. We support any MDM provider while also providing white glove services for enterprise mobility management, including human customer care, simplified billing, custom reporting, full lifecycle asset management, and more.

Now that we’ve got out of the way, here are some initial criteria/considerations to help you come to a more detailed, informed decision on an MDM solution.

The Best MDM For You

First and foremost, ask yourself two questions:

1. What are your organization’s goals?

2. What does your organization want/need from its MDM software?

As discussed in our webinar on MDM facts and myths, the top four things our clients ask for in an MDM tool are simplified consistent provisioning, consolidated device management, remote wipe, and the ability to ensure policy compliance.

Once those two initial questions have been answered (or at least brainstormed), it will be much easier to develop a strategy and to weigh the features that each MDM platform has to offer.


We recommend doing some research to kick-start your evaluation process. Whether your goal is to invest in a new mobile device management tool or to see how your current MDM solution stacks up to its competition, Gartner and Forrester are two of the best resources for conducting research on this information.

Mobile Security features/upgrades

Mobile security features generally include basic device management software, and security and data leakage protection for employee devices. However, different companies have different security needs; these needs can be met by comparing them to the list of security features that each solution offers.

Additionally, each MDM software solution offers different levels of security for different prices. This means that a few of the security measures that your company needs may not be included in some base-level offerings. If this is the case, you may need to weigh the pros and cons of upgrading or investing in security add-ons from the same company or a different vendor.

Pricing Model/Bundling

All enterprise mobility management solutions bundle their services differently. Curiously, pricing rarely matches up to the features that you may get. Therefore, it is important to look at all of the features that you get for a particular price, approximate the hard/soft costs that the MDM software will help reduce, and determine which provides the most value for your organization.

If your company already uses a specific vendor that also offers an MDM product, it may be a wise investment to stick with them; this could mean reduced costs due to bundling and an easier integration process.

Ease of Use

It is important to find an MDM solution that allows for quick customization with minimal effort. Not all MDMs are created equal. Some simple tasks will take three clicks with one product and ten clicks with another. Unfortunately, getting a feel for how complicated MDM software really is will likely call for a demo or a trial period. The downside is that this can often require somewhat of a time investment.

Trial Period

As per above, access to a trial period for any mobile device management solution will be crucial. By taking advantage of these trials, a company can assess whether or not the service appropriately meets the requirements and goals of their organization.


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